Friday, January 29, 2010
All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth...
...Merry late Christmas Monkey you got your front bottom two teeth this week!!! I say this week because we aren't sure when exactly they cut through but Dada noticed them last night. You didn't show any of the typical signs people warned us about, no fussing, no extra sleeping, no fever...of course there was drool but you have been doing that for 3 months now, there was no more drool this week then the last three months. I won't subject you to the pictures we tried to take of his teeth last night, apparently when you pull Tripp's bottom lip down he feels a necessity to stick his tongue out...we now have about 35 photos of Tripp's tongue...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Pa-Paw's Funeral
Kent's grandpa "Pa-Paw" passed away this last week at the age of 87, he will be very much missed...although I know his memory will be carried on through silly jokes, such as the one about the "dog jaw" they told at the funeral yesterday, that Kent likes to do and soon I know Tripp will be cracking up at and repeating to others as he gets older. The services began in Livingston on Tuesday morning at 9:30am, Bethany was able to get us all a room at the Hampton Inn in Livingston with her Hilton points so we didn't have to wake up extra early and make the drive...THANK YOU again Bethany...very much appreciated! Tripp gives the Livingston Hampton Inn two thumbs up! He slept like a champ and then the next morning he sat on the comfy bed and watched cartoons and played with his toys as Kent and I got was awesome!
Violet kept giving Tripp hugs at the church, it was so adorable, of course I never got a good picture of it though...
Our son eating grass....

Friday, January 22, 2010
Monkey's New Jeep
We bought Tripp a new toy today, a Jeep that he can walk around the house in and listen to music. I have not gotten to personally witness this cuteness but Kent says he loves it. I love that Kent put Tripp's hat on backwards and took this adorable picture! Kent said Tripp was pretty good at walking in the Jeep outside on the concrete but that he, "got stuck and had to Austin Powers his way out" haha you know what he means if you have ever seen the movie...the image of that has still got me laughing! 
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Star of Star Babies
Guess who gets to be the star of Star Babies swim lesson class every Thursday at Villas Sport? Tripp! Woohoo, we are so excited that it worked out, Tripp LOVES playing in the water. The instructor of the class is going to use Tripp as her "example" every Thursday for the class, I know he is going to love it, I can't wait till Thursday!
I Wear a Big Boy Hat Like Daddy!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sho Gun
Tripp's Best Friend
Tripp, Ma and I went to Dana's baby shower on Saturday, to celebrate the pending arrival of Tripp's best friend, Carter. We had a great time and Carter got tons of stuff, he is set! Hurry up little guy we can't wait to meet you!
The adorable pregnant lady
Ma, Tripp and Tripp's crazy hair! All the sudden last week he started to grow hair, I love it!
Tripp and Auntie Big Karl :)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Baby Mum Mums are a Hit
The mystery is solved, I know where they get communion wafers from...they say, "hey it is Easter Sunday, go to Wal-Mart and get some Baby Mum Mums for communion." Tripp seems to love them. It made me so nervous at first, I kept trying to pull it out of his mouth when a piece broke off, luckily dada was there to not let me be crazy overprotective mama...I sometime forget what a big boy he is now....and the fact that these melted in mouth in 10 seconds and Tripp has 1,000,000,000 times more drool than the average person, not sure he even got a taste before they dissolved!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
A Day of Firsts
In honor of the record low temperatures we have had this week Monkey had his first swim lesson! The pool was heated to 86 so it was actually really nice and Tripp L-O-V-E-D LOVED it! He would have stayed in the pool all day if I let him. Here we are on the way to the lesson...yes...those our ice sickles on the window in the back ground. 
Ready to go!

After his swim lesson we went to Leighton's first birthday party, which was also Tripp's first birthday party. He slept for most the time, then woke up to eat, then pooped...just another normal afternoon for him, pretty sure he had no idea he was at a party.

Friday, January 8, 2010
Look at the wonderful surprise I received in my e-mail this morning from my two favorite boys...too cute!
Smart Little Longhorn...
Monday, January 4, 2010
First Christmas
It is tradition in our family that you are allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve, so Kent and I let Ty and Drew open their gift from us when we got there. It was a cardboard rocket ship....we are still debating who liked it more...Ty and Drew...or Kent and BJ....
Getting ready for bed on Christmas Eve, my favorite picture of my boys :)
Ty and Drew also got to open one gift from their mom and dad, Tripp LOVED Drew's train he got. He watched it go round and round for ever, then he decided to crash it with his hand, I know what someone is getting for their birthday!
Making cookies for Santa
Throwing reindeer food in the back and front yard (aka oatmeal with glitter glued to it)
Picture of the boys in their matching Pjs, this was a super easy picture to get, they all just put the new toys they were playing with down, sat there, looked at the camera and smiled, it only took one shot to get this one....(not sure if sarcasm comes through on a blog post :))...glad we finally got a good one of them though, I love this picture.
Christmas morning!!!!!
Ma and Paw-Paw

Tripp needing no help opening gifts...
The aftermath...

Not sure why BJ and Lindsay didn't like their gifts from me and Kent, not sure they ever said thank're welcome Lindsay and BJ, enjoy your coffee mug and Miley CD :)

Tripp needing no help opening gifts...

Not sure why BJ and Lindsay didn't like their gifts from me and Kent, not sure they ever said thank're welcome Lindsay and BJ, enjoy your coffee mug and Miley CD :)

Lucky Lil Texan, Tripp Got Snow for His First Christmas!
Yeah, yeah I know I am super late with these posts - better late than never (yeah, yeah again, I know - better never late)...Tripp is one lucky little boy, we went to Burleson for Christmas this year and it snowed!!!!!! It was awesome and so much fun! Here is the first picture we took, which looks like rain, because we were certain that was all we were going to get and we wanted to capture the moment, boy were we wrong, it kept coming and coming!
Here are the boys making snowmen on ML's kitchen table...she wasn't home...I swear they didn't get anything wet ;). Drew got the boot from this picture because he is standing up too high and it makes it look like my head is cut off on accident, he is to the right of Tripp and I can assure you he looked super cute as well :)
Tripp was a little confused about why it was so cold but he seemed to really enjoy it, and no one got sick afterwards!
These two may look innocent in this photo but don't let them fool you, they were hurling snow balls at women and children...okay okay...we were all having a super fun snowball fight, it was awesome, I am just mad because they had better aim...
Here is a picture snapped right as they hurled one our way...

All in all it was a perfect Christmas Eve!
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