...Tripp has now refused to eat baby food for the last week, as dada put it, "well yeah we gave him the good stuff, I wouldn't want that anymore either." He now eats just about everything, even bananas, which he previously hated! He has also been on 1/2 formula 1/2 milk for the last two weeks, he hasn't even noticed the difference and we plan to take the 1/2 formula away when this can is empty...hello $25 a week raise! He is also drinking out of a sippy cup for dinner and snack instead of a bottle, this doesn't seem to faze him either, he doesn't care how he gets his milk, as long as he is getting a lot :). He is such a big boy now...in a matter of weeks we will be bottle, formula and baby food free...woohoo...now onto potty training :)