Holy hell, we blinked and our baby turned one! We celebrated Tripp's first birthday, and his cousin Violet's third birthday, this weekend with a pirate themed bash at the house. The pirate ship watermelon is courtesy of Pawpaw, he did a wonderful job!!! We got Tripp a blow up pirate boat for the backyard, which he absolutely loves, except when people are around! He wanted nothing to do with it on his birthday, but when we let him swim in it before he loved it. All and all it was a great party and Tripp had a blast...he stayed up until ten playing with all his new toys!
Tripp and his cousins Ty and Drew hunting for treasure...that is Ty dressed like a pirate :)
Birthday girl and her new scooter
Tripp definitely enjoyed his party but I am pretty sure he would have been just as happy if we had just filled the house with balloons and called it a day! Who knew he would love balloons so much!
He also thinks cake is pretty awesome!!!! It was hilarious watching him dig in, he couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough, evening using both hands!

Happy Birthday to our babies!