Sunday, November 29, 2009
From One Generation to the Next
When Kent's mom was pregnant in Panama with Kent, Grandpa Kent bought her this rocking chair. The chair is still in excellent condition and it now sits in Tripp's room, we use it to rock him to sleep...it is our favorite chair. 

Jaw Bone Ranch
We took a "Tripp" (couldn't resist) to Florence, right outside of Austin, to meet the Warren family. When we got there Aunt Brenda, Uncle Scott, Tyler and Tanner took us around the land to see all the cows, and then back to their house to see the goats...although they were not fainting goats they were still pretty cool, and the babies were super cute...Tripp pretty much just stared in amazement.

Big thanks to Grandma Judy and Aunt Susan for letting us take over half your house and use your trash for stinking diapers :). It was so great to see everyone, if they'll have us back we would love to visit again!!

Happy First Thanksgiving

And in honor of his first Thanksgiving, I felt it necessary to have this photo :)


Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Happy 5 Month Birthday Monkey!
I can't believe you are already 5 months old, time is flying by way too fast! You got an awesome birthday present today, you are getting a new BFF, Aunt Dana and Uncle Todd found out they are having a little boy in April, woohoo!!!! Last night you got to go for a ride in your wagon, you love love love your wagon, and today dada put the canopy on your wagon so you can go for rides when it is bright and sunny out.
Other new developments this month, you now sit in your highchair and play while mama and dada cook dinner, we like this new development...
and you are getting too big for your swing, (the picture is blurry b/c the swing was moving and the lights were out b/c he was sleeping) your feet hang off the end, you still seem to like sitting in it though...although now that i think about it I need to check the weight limit on that thing...

This picture cracks me up, I absolutely L-O-V-E LOVE it! Tripp, this is your silly cousin Drew Bug who thought that rain boots meant you couldn't get dirty when stomping and jumping in mud, needless to say, he was wrong. Aunt Lindsay made him take off his muddy clothes when he got home but the rain boots stayed :)

Monday, November 23, 2009
Friendsgiving 2009
Every year on the weekend before Thanksgiving Aunt Bethany and Uncle Dave host Friendsgiving, it is what it sounds like, Thanksgiving for friends. Dada had to work but Tripp and Mama got to enjoy all the delicious food and fun times, thanks Aunt Bethany and Uncle Dave!!! 

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Pillsbury!
We went to Burleson this weekend for Kinsey's after wedding reception. She was married this summer in France and had the reception this weekend for those that could not attend the wedding. On the way there we stopped to see uncle Ricky who met Tripp for the first time
Ricky and Mama go way back...
I seriously could not resist posting this hilarious and totally embarrassing photo, haha!
The next night was the reception at Joe T Gracia's in Fort Worth.
Aunt Lindsay and Drew Bug
Thanks Ma and Pawpaw for my new shirt, if you see it again on Thanksgiving pretend like you didn't see it here :)
My handsome boys...since we were all dressed up Tripp was not in the mood to smile and take family photos
Daddy 3 - Tripp 0

Friday night we went over to Aunt Mayin and Uncle Dan's house for some homemade margaritas, well depending on who was making the batch it was typically just tequila and ice, but we will call them margaritas, and Mexican food. Tripp had a blast watching all the boys playing...
but then I think someone slipped him a sip of their rita...Daddy 2 - Tripp 0

The happy couple

Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Daddy 1 - Tripp 0
This is apparently Tripp’s favorite sleeping position…it is magic at bedtime…
That boy LOVES his dada!

That boy LOVES his dada!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Another Reason to Love Dr. Jean
Tripp had his second four month shot appointment today (he gets two shots at a time instead of four so he has to go twice). He weighed 18 lbs 12 ozs and was just about 27 inches long, which explains why I have to buy him 9 month clothing. He took his first shot like a champ, he didn’t even cry, in fact I didn’t even realize she had given it to him, but then came the second shot…this didn’t make him too happy. He was okay with one but two was pushing it…good thing we didn’t opt for four like the other babies get! He fussed for a little while but when we got in the car I popped in some Dr. Jean and by the time his favorite song (okay okay…by the time me and daddy’s favorite song) came on he was out, “My hands on my head, está aquí, this is my cabeza my mamacita….”
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Your Name is Tripp, Well Actually it is Kent...
I read the other day on a website that at around 4-5 months you will start responding to your name, this is not the case for you and it isn't your fault. Mama and dada call you monkey - most the time - sometimes I call you baby love bug, and occasionally we actually use your name and call you Tripp (daddy is better at this than mommy). To confuse you just a little bit more Mrs. Elizabeth at daycare calls you Papi (she is Hispanic but I am not real sure what this means or how to actually spell it) and I also hear her call you Kent. Sorry buddy, I promise to work on this before you enter Kindergarten and have to say, "here" when your name is called...
I read the other day on a website that at around 4-5 months you will start responding to your name, this is not the case for you and it isn't your fault. Mama and dada call you monkey - most the time - sometimes I call you baby love bug, and occasionally we actually use your name and call you Tripp (daddy is better at this than mommy). To confuse you just a little bit more Mrs. Elizabeth at daycare calls you Papi (she is Hispanic but I am not real sure what this means or how to actually spell it) and I also hear her call you Kent. Sorry buddy, I promise to work on this before you enter Kindergarten and have to say, "here" when your name is called...
Tripp's First Friend
Tripp has his first friend at school, his name is Cohen. Yesterday when I dropped Tripp off at school I put him in the exersaucer and walked over to put his bottles in his tub, when I turned around Cohen had walked over to Tripp's exersaucer and they were "talking" to each other, it was ridiculously cute. I walked over and pat Tripp on the head and gave him a kiss, then Cohen pat Tripp on the head and gave him an air kiss...it was probably the most adorable thing I have ever seen. Then today when I walked in Tripp looked down and saw Cohen and started reaching for me to put him down....apparently there is another boy that they like to play with as well but he isn't there everyday. Glad to know he is having fun at school, scared to see what kind of mess those three boys will get into when they are a little older!
Taking a Tripp
That is what my dad told me to stencil on the side of Tripp's Christmas present....

We already gave Tripp his Christmas present this year, one because he doesn't know the difference, two because I want him to start playing with it now to get lots of use out of it before it is way too cold and lastly because mommy is super impatient - which daddy will tell you is the whole reason :)
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