Tuesday, March 2, 2010

First Word!!

Tripp said his first word last night, no it wasn't mama or dada, it was hi. When I picked him up from daycare I was holding him while grabbing all his stuff and his favorite teacher said, "Hi my little triple Tripp" as she always does and he said, "hi!" It was so cute and very clear. I looked at his teacher and she said, "oh yeah, he said hi, I will verify it." Cause you never know if it is just the mom in you thinking he said something. So when we got home I told Kent and we tried to get him to say it again, of course with no luck, but he did babble all night long.


  1. That kid is a genius. Has his Aunt Bethany's genes.

    Crap...I'm so tired, I almost typed jeans.

  2. That would have been awesome!
