Buddies at the park swinging...it was Jace's first birthday party. Lots of fun but SUPER hot!

Someone likes to swing

Who wouldn't want to wake up to this cute little man?!?! He is a mini version of his daddy.

Daddy's little helper. Any tricks to get rid of the paci are welcome :)


Aunt Bethany and Uncle Dave let Tripp borrow this till David is big enough for it. Tripp has a love hate relationship with it. He is at the height where his feet hit the pedals but he isn't long enough to pedal. He get fussy when they keep hitting his feet so he pulls his legs up. He then waves to all the neighbors and won't get off...he just doesn't like to ride it with his feet down. He should be able to pedal within a few months.

Tripp is getting a big boy bed!! Pray he doesn't roll off! We still need a mattress for it so he won't actually sleep on it for a while but it is all set up, with pirate bedding of course :)

Tripp's new toy, he is actually pretty good at it, although the bat is a little heavy. He gets the concept but he usually turns the bat around so that he is holding the big end and hits the ball with the small end. I think it isn't as heavy to swing that way.

Baby David, so cute!

Good luck with the paci. I have no tips that work -- but I can already tell that it's going to be a challenge with David.
ReplyDeleteTripp is getting to be such a big boy now! A trick that I read on my friends blog to get rid of the paci is to cut the tip off the pacifier and eventually he wont want it anymore because he can't suck it. Tell him it is "broken" and make him throw it in the trash. Good luck!!