Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tripp and Noah

Last night while we were eating dinner we heard a knock on the door, turns out it was our little neighbor asking in the most adorable way if Tripp could come out and play. I told him yes but Tripp had to finish dinner first so it would be a few minutes before he would be able to play. Noah's mom later told me Noah waited outside the door until she finally went over and explained that it would be a cute. They had a great time playing last night, they love to play together. When we get home from school Tripp will point at Noah's house and want to go over there. And if we let him play outside the first thing he does is walk over there. I love how well they play together, they see each other almost everyday now.

Tripp is filthy in this picture, I know, he had been playing outside for about an hour at this point.

On another note Tripp was bit again yesterday at daycare, on the face!!! The teacher seemed nervous to tell me about it but I think she was surprised by my reaction. Now that my child has bitten another kid I know how helpless the mom feels. I kind of laughed and said, "was it the kid Tripp bit?" Her was response, "well actually, yeah..." I really wish Tripp hadn't been bitten but I really really wish he hadn't been bitten on the face! Poor little monkey. They sent the kid home that bit Tripp because he was older, he had done it before to another kid and it was completely unprovoked by Tripp.


  1. LOVE THAT SHIRT! I need to dig out David's version so we can take a photo of them together.

    Also, get used to the dirty, man. They're like little balls of disgusting...well, Violet's still one. I'll let you know when she grows out of it.

  2. Poor Tripp! That bite looks pretty bad and I can't believe it is on his face. :( It is adorable how he has a neighborhood friend that he likes to play with!
